Serial Driver. To create a new serial driver, first establish a new communications device and set appropriate baud rates for the IBT-100 (serial interface manufactured by Converging Systems for this purpose). Then import from file the approrpriate Generic Serial Driver and set the baud rate (19.2k ,n,8,1, no).
Ethernet Driver. N/A
Notes: Device Driver(s) for various motor and lighting (LED) control products are currently available below as sample one-way drivers. These drivers may be used with the appropriate RS-232c adapter (IBT-100) or and built-in RS-232c functionality that may exist with certain products..
Note: If any sample projects are provided below, they are in .zip format. Download the file, unzip and open as a new project..
Model |
Interface |
Functions |
Sample Screens/Downloads |
ILC-x00LED Controller | IBT-100 (RS-232c) |
ILC-x00LED Controller | e-Node (IP) |
IMC-100Single Motor Controller | IBT-100 (RS-232c) |
IMC-100Single Motor Controller | e-Node (IP) | <
IMC-300 (BRIC I)Triple Motor Controller | Built-in Serial |
Module Download |
IMC-300 (BRIC I) Triple Motor Controller | External IP (e-Node) |
Module Download |