Follow these steps to integrate with Lutron (RR Select, RR2, RR3, QS, QSX, Athena, Quantum, My Room Prime):

Step 3. Assign Actions to Lutron Buttons.

Make sure Lutron devices appear under Devices before proceeding: Within the e-Node/Lutron/Table tab, fill in the column entries (for each row of assignments) as shown below:

Continue through each row until completed (only program rows that you need).

Here is an example of a completed table with a variety of commands for 10-button desktop for non-LEAP processors.

Non-Leap Lutron Table

Here is an example of a completed table with a variety of commands for 10-button desktop for LEAP processors.

Leap Lutron Table sample commands A Leap Lutron Table sample commands B

Note: Most of the entries from both non-LEAP and LEAP processors above are self-explanatory. A few comments though: